Whether you are a General Manager, IT Manager, CIO, or even CEO, you may be wondering what you...
Strengthening Technology. Simplifying Security.
What does “IT Solutions Provider” mean to you? Coming from me, it may seem like an odd question, but over the years I’ve found that when I ask that question, it’s not uncommon for people to respond with something like “a company that provides IT solutions”.
The team and I understand that. What we do can be as intangible as the metaverse, non-fungible tokens, or the movie Tron. So, this month I’d like to speak to you about our vision:
To empower global transformation with secure, borderless technologies.
That’s a huge goal to strive for, but by supporting businesses and organizations just like yours that are pursuing global transformation, we can be part of that change in a way that is much greater than any of us could do on our own.
Technology opens doors to endless opportunity and can improve lives. Unfortunately, the same technologies deployed to facilitate life-saving medical care, educate the next generation, or conduct borderless business in real-time are often exploited by cyber criminals to disrupt those who are doing ‘good’. Adding layers of security can enhance protection, but it can add unnecessary strain to the day to day, decreasing productivity, which will lead to ‘shortcuts’ that can open backdoors and undermine the whole endeavor.
At Movaci, our passion is tailoring secure, simple to use technology solutions that enable you to transform lives for the better. We are strengthening the technologies our clients use to bring positive change and simplifying security so they don’t sacrifice their data – or their company - on the altar of convenience.
We do this for you to directly increase your productivity, profitability, and your efforts toward transforming your industry on a global scale.
With that in mind, we decided to ditch the nebulous “IT Solutions Provider” moniker in favor of something more tangible and meaningful:
Strengthening Technology. Simplifying Security.
On the face of it, it may look simply like a new slogan, but at the core it is the promise we make to our customers and fulfilling that promise is what drives us to get out of bed in the morning (and sometimes multiple times throughout the night).
To find out more about why we do what we do, feel free to check out our new-and-improved Company Profile.
I hope our vision and our promise excite you. I also hope that our content, like these monthly newsletters and our blog posts, is informative and helpful. If there’s a specific technology, question or topic you’re interested in, feel free to get in touch. And stay tuned as we continue to roll out more exciting news and keep you updated on current events around the world.
Until next time,
Christopher M, CEO
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